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October 03, 2008

Girl claims: I had sex with Bill Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel - 3 years not kissed is a lie!

The frontman of the teenie band Tokio Hotel recently claimed he hasn't kissed a girl for 3 years.

But now it seems Kaulitz' already fishy statement could be proven wrong, because just now a young woman annouced the opposite:

"...In October 2007 I was together with Bill Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel for four days... Of course we kissed and we had sex repeatedly...", claims the 22 years old Natalie B. from Hilden (NRW).

The pretty veterinary assistant also says, she was "... deeply in love with Kaulitz...", but he was only interested in sex.

"... Actually Bill was a little too young for me and his look is totally not my cup of tea... I also don't like his music, so I am not a fan... I kind of fell for his type, I thought, we could make it work, but then he dropped me like a hot potatoe..." Natalie tells disappointed.

Natalie B. says she met Kaulitz on the internet. She also states, that she never intended to go public and that's why she stayed silent, until now.

"... When I read about the lie concerning the kissing, I was so p*ssed off... He disowned and punked me, so now I am going to the media...", tells Natalie B.

A request from DRCS ONLINE wasn't answered by the record label of Tokio Hotel: Universal Music: "...We can't contact the management for you, the have more important things to do... they are touring the USA right now...", says Udo Westendorff from Universal Music.

Credits to drs.online.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pfft that sounds like a load of BS to me